Saturday, July 5, 2014


By: Deltom Lequernaqué

When one hears the word “giving” in the modern day, this word is automatically related to financial or material action. 
The bible talks about giving but not only in the physical way as if we were machines but also with our thoughts and mind. In 2 Corinthians 9:7 the word iJlaros (HILAROS) is translated as cheerful but root is also related to the word hilarious, extremely happy.  In the American English Thesaurus they put it in this way:

You give a birthday present, grant a favor, bestow charity, and confer an honor. While all of these verbs mean to convey something or transfer it from one's own possession to that of another, the circumstances surrounding that transfer dictate which word is the best one. Give is the most general, meaning to pass over, deliver, or transmit something (give him encouragement). Grant implies that a request or desire has been expressed, and that the receiver is dependent on the giver's discretion (grant permission for the trip. Bestow implies that something is given as a gift and may imply condescension on the part of the giver (bestow a large sum of money on a needy charity). To confer is to give an honor, a privilege, or a favor; it implies that the giver is a superior (confer a knighthood; confer a college degree).

When Christians come to worship we are to give our praises to God (Ps. 92:1, Acts 2:42) for He has granted us the privilege to be with Him in His throne (Rev. 3:21). This was done because He has bestowed on us a privilege (1 John 3:1). Through the obedience in Christ we have been conferred the teachings of the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:30-32) that is the good news (gospel) of Christ Jesus that brings salvation to them that obey it  (Mark 16:15-16).

Deltom's Bio: Deltom Lequernaqué, a 2012 MSOP graduate, was born in Peru. He was the 5th son out of 6 children, son of Juan Lequernaqué and Mrs. Paula Solórzano. Married to Summer Lequernaqué (Gill). Works for the Stuart church of Christ in Stuart, FL. As Associate Minister.He recently obtained his american citizenship.
